Facebook Comment Box Plugin For WordPress

Almost all bloggers knows about Facebook Plugins and its working that How they help in promotion and sharing of our content in Facebook Community. we also use to some of these plugins (Facebook Connect , Facebook Like Button or Facebook Share Button).
So, Here is an another Facebook plugin which helps you in getting of feedbacks for your content (Facebook Comment Box).

How to Setup Facebook Comment Plugin For WordPress:-

First Download This Plugin from WordPress Plugins Gallery, and upload the plugin to your wordpress, but don’t activate the plugin in beginning,then login to your facebook account and go to Facebook Developers and create application for this plugin.
If you have experienced with Facebook application for your Facebook Connect Plugin or for you website, so just go to facebook application settings page and get application id from page and paste the Application id in the configuration page of plugin and activate the plugin!
If you are not known about this Facebook application so its not problem. I will tell you about Facebook Application

Now just go to Faceebook Developers and create new application.

Now fill the simple basic information in the form and save the application and get your application id for your plugin.

Now save the application and copy your application id, now activate your plugin & go to plugin configuration page and paste the application .

That’s all, now your plugin is activated and doing its work

Check Your Facebook Privacy with Reclaim Privacy

Facebook uses personal information of users in their ads because of privacy fact lot of people had delete their pictures and videos. But it was not true; because Facebook give us option in account settings with the name of “Facebook Ads” by the use of this option we can restrict Facebook to not use our private pictures in their simple ads (which shown to our friends) or we can allow Facebook to use our display pic in their simple ads, as shown in picture below.
Facebook Account Settings => Facebook Ads
By default this option is set on “only my friends”. If someone don’t wants to share privacy. So He / She can change it. But still many people think that Facebook shares personal information.

So here is a tool which inspects your Facebook account privacy and tells you where your privacy was not strong!

Reclaim Privacy, is a tool which checks your Facebook privacy and shows a report where your privacy was broken or access able by your friends or others.
How To Check Your Privacy With “Reclaim Privacy”:-
  1. First Open “Reclaim Privacy Website , You will see a link where “Scan for Privacy” is written.
  2. Now drag this link to you bookmark bars and save it.
  3. Now Log in to your Facebook account and open the bookmark. After some seconds the scan result will display above your profile.

The company promises that, “we never see your Facebook data” and “we never share your personal information.

Access Facebook Fast and Free with 0.facebook.com

Facebook Launches new website for their mobile users, 0.facebook.com (Facebook Zero) is new mobile website that includes all features of Facebook, but different thing is it optimized for speed. Initially this website is available through more than 50 mobile operators in 45 countries and territories with zero data charges. (Via Facebook Blog)
Facebook says in official post , More than 100 million users use Facebook through mobile platform with more than 200 mobile operators in 80 countries offering and promoting Facebook Mobile .
When people using Facebook through mobile so they face two problems. First, sometimes the experience is too slow to be fun and second, the cost of data plans and understanding them can be daunting. We have designed 0.facebook.com to help solve these two barriers.
Two Main Features of Facebook Zero:-
  • It’s fast: 0.facebook.com includes all the key features of our standard mobile site m.facebook.com. Users can update their status, view their News Feed, like or comment on posts, send and reply to messages, or write on their friends’ Wall just as they do on Facebook.com. Rather than making photos viewable on 0.facebook.com, we put the photos one click away so they don’t slow down the experience. You can still view any photos on Facebook if you want but your regular data fees will apply.

  • It’s free: Thanks to the help of mobile operators we collaborated with, people can access 0.facebook.com without any data charges. Using 0.facebook.com is completely free. People will only pay for data charges when they view photos or when they leave 0.facebook.com to browse other mobile sites. When they click to view a photo or browse another mobile site a notification page will appear to confirm that they will be charged if they want to leave 0.facebook.com
Its means that Facebook zero is free for browsing it only costs on when user shows pictures. But this time is not available on all mobile operators. Is time is only available on some networks or  in some countries.
Here is a list of Networks or Countries where Facebook Zero is available:-

How to Update Your Facebook Status Via Windows Live Messenger

Many Facebook users wondering that here is must be an application or option which allows users to update their statuses from Windows Live Messenger. And some days back Pakistan banned Facebook and most of My Pakistani Fiends also asking me to be there anyway to update Facebook status from Windows Live Messenger or any other messenger or source.

So here is a Facebook application with the name of “Windows Live Messenger”, which providing us an option to update Facebook status from Windows Live Messenger.

First of all you have to install this application in your Facebook account:-
Here is the link of Application, Now Go to application and allow application to access your profile.

Now Go to Setting Page and configure some settings:-

Now You Have to Verify Your Email Address , After clicking “Continue” the page will be redirected to windows live website. Where you have to verify your email address and allow application to get your data. After verifying your email address again to go to application setting page. Now Here you got some options like as shown in picture below.

Now you have to check this two options and save settings. That’s it now you can update your facebook account status from Windows Live Messenger.

By Clicking on Windows Live Messenger you can update your Facebook Status.

How to Publish Latest Feeds On Facebook

In Blogs or websites we have only one thing which can do this type of work. Yeah I’m talking about “Feeds”. So first we have to prepare our feeds according to Facebook import feeds option. We have to install a plugin which converts our feeds according to Facebook Feeds.So here is a plugin with the name of “Feed Facebook Leave Facebook”, now download this plugin from Word Press plugin gallery and activate it. And get your facebook feed url from plugins settings.

Now open your Facebook Fan Page on another tab and go to settings of the page and add Notes in application of page. And go to notes application settings.

Set its option to publish content on wall and save setting.

Now go to edit option and configure little settings and give feed url for importing posts to your Facebook fan Page.

Now Set up feeds for importing your posts here on Facebook Fan Page.

Now, click on import a blog or give your Facebook feed URL

Now Follow Steps which given in above image and start importing after that confirm your feeds!

That’s It, Now your post were successfully imported and new posts are automatically published on your page.

How to submit your website in Search Engines

Most of new bloggers are finding and seraching that how they submit thier websites in google or other search engine and much worried about it because Search engines is a way which through a user comes to your content.
So its very important for any website that it was properly index in search engines.

Now I’m telling you ” How to submit your website in Search engines “
First, of all Create Sitemap of your website . Because sitemap is a thing which search engines were use to locate and index your website pages.
So its very important that your sitemap is generated correctly and it had no error.

Now Create your Sitemap, Sitemap was generated in two types
  • Simple (sitemap.xml)
  • Compressed (sitemap.xml.gz)

If you are using wordpress so its very easy to create a sitemap of your website by using of “Google XML sitmap Generator” Plugin.
This Plugin allows user to create sitemap of its website and its automatically creates your sitemap on every post .
Once you create your sitemap.xml, Now Sign in to your webmasters account of search engine in which you want to add your website.

Here is a Links of Some Search Engines Webmasters:

After login to your account just create a website account for your website, by making of account for your website it will ask you the place of your sitemap.
Give the link of your sitemap .
Like Technixnews.Com (http://www.365bestskins.blogspot.com/sitemap.xml)
That’s it, Now Your website was under qeued , after ending of process they will add your pages of your website in thier search engine.

Turn Off Autoplay Permanently (Windows)

Most of computer users wants to disable autoplay option on there computers and laptops because of most viruses that comes through usb or any portable devices.if they contain viruses,it will run automatically on the computer.

This is a tutorial for those users who are facing this problem.

Step: 1
  • Open start menu and now Select RUN .

  • Now, write “gpedit.msc” in run window and click ok . after clicking (ok) a windows will appear on screen with name of (Group Policy) like this:-

  • Now, See on left side panel you will find 2 tables with expanding options
  • 1- Computer Configuration 2- User Configuration
  • Expand Computer Configuration option by clicking on it . Now you will see options in this table.

    Step: 4 
    • Now expand Administrative Templates by clicking on its title. and select System Option by clicking on title

    • Now Select System (option) & Find “Turn Off Autoplay” option in right side panel.

    Step: 6
    • Open Turn off autoplay option and select enable option and select All Drives Option and apply this settings.

    Now, Your Computers Autoplay option is Disabled for always , you can check it by attaching some portable device to computer or by placing [ CD / DVD ] inside the rom.
    if you still facing problems , so write a comment or mail to us . We will resolve your option.

    Restrict Access to Hard Disk Partitions in Windows

    Many Computer Users uses shared computers but they don’t want to share their personal things or data to other and mostly of them seeking software or a trick that how to lock the folder or drive. If you are worried about your Data so it’s not a big problem anymore.

    We test this tutorial in Windows Xp or Windows 7.
    For Locking a Drive in My Computer (No One Can access the drive)
    Just follow these steps:-

    Step: 1
    • First of all, open Run Windows and Open “gpedit.msc “(Group Policy).

    Step: 2
    • Now, Select User Configuration option form left hand side pane, after this select Administrative templates option under User Configuration option then open Windows Component and Now select Prevent Access to drives from my computer from right hand side pane.
    • UserConfiguration >> Administrative templates >>> Windows Component

    Step: 3 :-
    • Now Open “Prevent Access to drives from My Computer “settings by double click on it. A setting windows will appears, on these setting windows, Clicked the enabled and select drives for which you want to lock (prevent user access on it).

    Now, try to open your drive in My Computer, You will face an Error Message. The error message will tell you “The operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect from this computer. Please contact you system administrator”

    HOW TO: Get Notified When Someone Login To Your Facebook

    Recently Facebook introduces a tool in their official blog, that notifies you when someone logins to your Facebook account by sending you a email or SMS text messaging . This tool will give you an idea when or from where your Facebook account logins and also helps you in recognizing when a hacker has broken your security.

    So, You can quickly take an action on this by changing your accounts password or by contacting Facebook .

    Once you enables this notifications tool you will be required to identify each device or computer from where you access your Facebook account. You will be able to get list of machines from where you account is accessed and of course no one can access you account without filling this security check .
    So, Here is a tutorial how to activates this feature!

    STEP 1: Log in to your account & Open Account Settings:-

    First sign in to your account and click the ”Account” word in the top right corner of the browser window. A drop-down menu of options will displayed, then click on “Account Settings,” as pictured below.
    Now , Scroll down your setting page until you see “Account Settings” and press the button which below this option.

    Check “Yes” when you see the prompt, “Would you like to receive notifications for logins from new devices?” Then click “Save.” The feature is turned on. Now check your security!

    Step 2: Login & Identify Your Computer:-

    Now, login again to your account and this time you will see a register your computer page, as a pictured below.
    Now, Enter’s Your computer name and check the box “Don’t Ask Me Again From This Computer” if you are not using on public computer or if you are using on your personal computer just check this box!

    Now again Go to your account settings and go to account security and see which device is register, as a pictured below

    That’s it , Now you can check here , which computer is accessing your account or when !

    Make Money with Google Adsense

    If you have Google Adsense on your blog but are disappointed with the revenue generated so far then read on. Even if Google Adsense is performing well for you I am going to give you some tips that will mean you will earn extra money from Google Adsense.

    Why Keywords are so Important for Bloggers?

    In order to make money from blogging with Blogger it is important first to understand the significance of keywords and keyword phrases. Via Google Adwords, the sister of Google Adsense, advertisers bid for keywords and keyword phrases. The more frequently these keyword terms are searched for the higher their value. That is why keyword phrases like make money or make money online which receive a huge number of monthly searches are top paying keywords and are worth so much to advertisers.

    To make money with Google Adsense all you need do once your blog is receiving traffic is sign up with Google Adsense, receive a unique code and then place Google Adsense ads on your Blogger blog. These ad units are targeted automatically based on the keywords and keyword phrases which appear in the content of your posts. You get paid for every click on one of your Google Adsense ads. The amount you get paid is determined by the value of the keyword or keyword phrases used.

    As a webpublisher it is important to be mindful when crafting your content that you use Google keywords and keyword phrases relevant to your blog's content. This does not mean that you stuff your posts with Google keywords to generate higher Google Adsense payments. In fact having too many keywords is known as keyword stuffing and could mean your blog is penalized by Google. A good rule of thumb is to have 3-5% of your content made up of your blog's keywords. A keyword density over 7% is too high and risks penalty.
    To make money with Google Adsense all you need do once your blog is receiving traffic is sign up with Google Adsense, receive a unique code and then place Google Adsense ads on your Blogger blog. These ad units are targeted automatically based on the keywords and keyword phrases which appear in the content of your posts. You get paid for every click on one of your Google Adsense ads. The amount you get paid is determined by the value of the keyword or keyword phrases used.

    Find The Best Google Keywords for Your Blog :

    These days many bloggers wanting to make money with Adsense build their blogs based on Google keywords. Their plan is to achieve first page positions on Google search pages for each of these keywords and keyword phrases. However, adopting this strategy from the outset would not be the case for most bloggers. Most of us start a blog about something we are interested in and then decide that we would like to make money with Google Adsense.

    If Google keywords for your blog is not something that you have paid much attention to up to now then you may be surprised at what a difference it will make to your Google Adsense earnings and SERPs (search engine results page). Just by figuring out your keywords and emphasizing them in your blog posts you can expect to earn extra money with Google Adsense and Blogger. I did an exercise recently where I edited one of my earlier posts and added about 10 more keywords to the content. Not only did I move my article from about 60 in Google searches to 10 the revenue earned from Adsense for this article increased markedly too.

    To determine what your keywords are for your blog you will need to conduct some research. Go to Google Adwords Keyword Tool and type in the topic of your blog. For instance if your blog is about making money online you would type in this phrase to receive other keywords that are related to your blog topic.

    Try to identify about 10 to 15 Google keywords and keyword phrases that fit with your blog content. Print out this list and keep it handy so you can refer to it often when writing content for your blog.

    Write an article around each of these Google keywords or keyword phrases. These 10 to 15 articles will become the backbone content of your blog. Research these articles by performing Google searches and reading what other bloggers who make it to the first couple of pages in the search engine results are writing about. Notice their keywords and keyword phrases, and the tags they have used. This research will help you identify two things: 
    • Any gaps not so well covered by fellow bloggers but relating well to your keywords. That will give you a nice opportunity to write a series of articles on the topic
    • How other bloggers in your niche are tailoring their content for success and which keywords are performing well for them
    Always write original content. Never copy another bloggers material. Despite being unethical to plagarizeAdsense. My take on what is known as blog scraping is that if you need to copy what some else has written clearly you don't understand your blog topic well enough and you are probably better to write about something you do know something about. Your readers will see through you very quickly if you don't fully understand the depths of your blog topic.

    Google Adsense Tips for Blogspot Bloggers (Blogger Bloggers) :

    • Add Your Main Keyword to Your Title Tag
      Make sure that your main keyword for each of your 10-15 articles forms part of your title tag as this is important if your article is to rank highly in search engine results. If you can use two keywords or keyword phrases all the better. You will note that I have added three keywords in my title: make money, Google Adsense and Blogger

    • Use the Main Keyword in the Body of Your Posts
      Make sure you use the main keyword throughout the body of your article. Ensure that your main keyword appears in the first and last paragraph of your post. There are keyword density tools available to help you check the ratio of keywords used.

    • Make Sure You Tag Your Main Keyword
      Tagging your main keyword and other keywords and keyword phrases is also important if readers are to find your article. Your posts will do better in search engine results if they are appropriately tagged. And of course the better your blog is search engine optimized the more traffic your blog will receive and the greater the potential for Google
      Adsense revenue.
    • Make Sure Your Blog is Search Engine Optimized
      Optimize your Blogger blog by adjusting your title tags and adding meta tags for better
      SEO. SEO is important as it generates search engine traffic and building traffic is paramount for high earnings from Google Adsense.
    • Develop Backlinks for Your Blog
      Some of the factors that determine how high your articles will appear in search engine results are
      backlinks and the age of your blog. If you have some good backlinks to highly ranked websites your blog articles are likely to be promoted in search engine results. Use blog directories, forums, and comment on other blogs in your niche to build a good range of backlinks. Submit your best articles to article directories to generate traffic and links. Also submitting your article to social bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon can provide backlinks and boost traffic at the same time.
    • Give Your Old Blogger Posts a Keyword Makeover
      Go back through your previous blog posts and identify posts that are not receiving a lot of traffic. Read through them and look for opportunities to rewrite small portions of the content to insert keywords and keyword phrases. Check the tags too and add any keywords and keyword phrases that may help to boost traffic. Identify any posts that need to be rewritten from a slightly different angle and with more scope for the addition of keywords.

    • Publish Posts at Least 250-300 Words Long
      Check the number of your articles Google has indexed. Shorter articles can often be missed out particularly if your blog is only recently created. Plus shorter articles do not give enough scope for Google
      Adsense to necessarily know what keywords to target when serving ads.
    • Optimize Google Adsense Placement, Size and Appearance
      Some locations for Google
      Adsense work better than others. Make sure you read up on Google Adsense placement as this will ensure you make the most money from your Adsense ads.

    We have paid close attention to the use of keywords and keyword phrases in your content as these are the basis for the ads served up by Google. Included in this article are tips on how to locate and identify your keywords, increase your keyword density and use keywords effectively along with other Adsense tips.

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